If you are searching for the most popular Newari fonts, we will help you to find out. We have a collection of the best Newari fonts such as Ranjana, Prachalit, Brahmi Lipi etc, which are collected from various sources. Download several true type Devanagari fonts and Nepal Bhasa Typography for free for windows, mac, android, ios. Download Popular Newari Fonts Pack now.
The Ranjana Lipi Script is used for writing the Newari language of Nepal. This language is also called Nepal-Bhasha, literally ‘Nepal-Language’.
The Brahmi script is used for writing the Newari language of Nepal. This language is also called Nepal-Bhasha, literally ‘Nepal-Language’.
The Prachalit Lipi is used for writing the Newari language of Nepal. This language is also called Nepal-Bhasha, literally ‘Nepal-Language’.